What do I do if my child throws up after taking medications?
For immunosuppression, we usually give the dose again if the patient throws up within 15 minutes of taking it, or if the medication is visible in the throw up. If the throw up happens more than 15 minutes after you give it, we typically do not give the medications again. It is important to notify your transplant team when this happens, as it can affect the medication levels in the blood.
What do I do if my pharmacy does not have enough medication to fill the prescription?
Call your transplant team. They may have to send a new prescription, or they can communicate with the pharmacy about different ways to give your child the same dose. Your prescription could also be sent to a different pharmacy in order to be filled.
Why do labs need to be timed around the immunosuppression?
It is important to check the level of immunosuppression in the blood, so labs need to be drawn about 30 minutes before to taking the medication. When labs are timed this way, it gives your transplant team an accurate measure of the amount of medication in the blood.
Why does the dose of my immunosuppression change?
There are many things that your transplant team will think about when selecting the right dose of immunosuppression. One of the biggest factors is the level of immunosuppression in the blood. The dose can be increased if the level is low or decreased if the level is high. Some centers may change the dose based on virus levels or other infections.
Will any of these immunosuppression medications affect my child as an adult?
Most medications are safe for all patients. Some medications can be harmful if taken while pregnant. It is important to discuss family planning with your transplant team before becoming pregnant to keep the fetus safe.
Will my child need to take these medications for the rest of their life?
Immunosuppression medications are usually taken for life to keep the transplanted organ healthy. There are very rare instances when these medications can be stopped, but your transplant team will need to tell you if you can stop them. It is important to discuss with your transplant team before stopping any medications.
Can my child take any vitamins, herbs, or supplements?
Any new medications, vitamins, herbs, and supplements need to be approved by you transplant team before they are started. There can be interactions between certain supplements and your child’s transplant medications.
This information should not replace medical advice from your doctors or medical team. We encourage our readers to follow their transplant team's medical advice and reach out to their doctors and medical team for further recommendations.